In general, stallions have higher energy and nutritional needs, but even more so when breeding. The more active your stallion is, the more calories are needed to maintain body condition and performance. According to NRC guidelines, breeding stallions require 25% more calories, depending on age and workload.
Important considerations for your stallion's feeding program:
- Breeding status (breeding or non-breeding)
- Type of breeding (live cover or collection)
- Activity level and temperament
- Exercise and workload
- Body condition
For successful breeding, ensure your stallion has adequate:
- Protein & amino acids for semen production
- Energy (calories) to support increased activity and maintain condition
- Vitamins & minerals to support sperm motility and structure
How hemp seed can support a successful breeding season:
Before breeding activity and workload increases, consider boosting your stallion's feed program with Iron Horse Hemp Seed supplements.
Hemp Seed Oil supports breeding season health as a source of:
- Calories for cool energy and stamina
- GLA for inflammation management
- Omegas for joint health, mobility and sperm quality
- Vitamin E to support libido, sperm quality and protect cells against oxidative stress
Topline + Hemp Seed Meal contains all of the above as well as:
- High quality protein for semen production
- Fibre for energy and gut health
- Vitamins & minerals to supports fertility
Iron Horse Hemp products promote a calmer disposition, help maintain optimal weight and condition, and support overall breeding performance. Our products are grown, cold-pressed in small batches, and packaged in Alberta, Canada. We're proud to provide a trusted, single ingredient alternative to high starch grains and manufactured feeds.
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